To buy Immunocal in Canada:
You can buy Immunocal in Canada here:
Buy Immunocal in Canada now.
Select "Canada - English" or "Canada - French" from the drop-down menu and proceed with your order.
To qualify for a 20% or 30% discount on your order, please click here.
If you aren't sure how much Immunocal to order, most benefit from ordering 1-2 boxes of Immunocal a month. We can adjust and personalize your future orders once I follow up with you.
If you want more specific dosing instructions before ordering, please click here.
If you prefer to order by telephone, please call our Ordering Hotline to place a direct order over the phone with our office.
Please have your VISA or MC ready:
Your secure order will ship to you from our warehouse in Montreal, Quebec, and take up to 5 business days to arrive, depending on your location.
Please provide your e-mail and phone number with your order, and I will get in touch with you and provide personal follow up assistance, and answer any questions you may have.
Buy Immunocal in Canada now.
Good Health To You!